Conversation on these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so this is a great place to bring questions for your peers. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson ( for more information.
The focus for the second meeting of this popular Land Protection networking group will be "How land conservation departments onboard and train new land conservation staff". This call is a forum for Land Protection staff and Board to learn from each other, so bring your questions and share your experiences. Conversation is fluid, so other topics of mutual interest may also be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series. This call will not be recorded.
via Zoom
3-part series: Jan. 16, 23, 30, 4 - 5 p.m. EXCEPT Jan. 23 is 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
This three-part series will provide information, tools, and peer support to help land trusts understand how they could manage lands under their direct stewardship in ways that mitigate and/or adapt to current and projected climate change impacts. The goal is to provide examples and manageable, actionable suggestions that may already be in their toolboxes to build confidence to tackle the challenge.
The focus of this quarter's call will be a look back on 2024 fundraising successes & challenges, and to share plans for 2025. We'll also confirm interest in meeting in person over lunch at the Land Conservation Conference on Friday, March 21 at UMass Amherst.
Online. Eight-part course starting January 16.
Applications are now closed.
The Land Trust Alliance, in partnership with MLTC, will host an 8-part virtual leadership and management training program for executive directors. This cohort-based experience will give staff leadership an opportunity to build their skills and bolster organizational effectiveness. In addition to the highly interactive sessions, the program also includes work on an organization-specific improvement project and the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one coaching sessions.
The topic this quarter will be "Database Tools & Management - What Are Organizations Using? / How Happy are You". Be ready to share your experiences and ask questions, so we can learn from each other. As the conversation is often fluid, other topics of mutual interest may be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. This call will not be recorded.
Conversation on these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so this is a great place to bring questions for your peers. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson ( for more information.
Join this inaugural networking session for Land Protection staff, where the focus will be: Landowner Outreach, Including Landowner Workshops. This call is a forum for Land Protection staff to learn from each other, so bring your questions and share your experiences. Conversation in similar affinity groups is fluid, so other topics of mutual interest may also be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded.
A strong volunteer program is a backbone of small-staffed land trusts. What makes a successful program? How to build it, and equally, how to maintain it? Insights, experiences, and questions from attending Zoomers are welcome. Conversation is fluid, so other topics of mutual interest may also be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Register.
The Application deadline was May 15 and this course is full.
Sponsored by UMass Extension, MLTC and Mass Audubon, with support from The Trustees and MA DCR’s Working Forest Initiative, this course is aimed at those with a strong interest in learning the practical nuts and bolts of land conservation transactions in order to seek employment in this field.
The suggested focus for this session is Risk Assessment, but conversation in these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so other topics can also be raised. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson ( for more information.
The focus of this quarter's call will be best practices for year-end giving and fundraising. As discussions often branch out to related topics, bring questions for your development colleagues, and feel free to share your successful programs. This call will not be recorded.
Two entwined topics for discussion at this quarter's call include organizational transition and sustainability, and recruiting and accommodating new Board members from the younger generations. This call is a forum for AVLTs to learn from each other and tackle their unique challenges. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. This call will not be recorded.
The suggested focus for this session is Risk Assessment, but conversation in these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so other topics can also be raised. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson ( for more information.
Discussion of this topic may include: what does Capacity Building actually mean? Only in Operations, or also Stewardship, Land Acquisition, other? How are you solving the problem? Insights and suggestions from attending Zoomers. Conversation in these calls has been fluid, so other topics of mutual interest may also be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Register.
Massachusetts is losing farmland faster than we can save it. Land trusts can play a part in ensuring land remains available for future generations of farmers! There are many programs (and lots of funding) available to help protect farmland. This session will show you how.
After a successful session at the Mass. Land Conservation Conference in March 2024, Christina and Michelle return with a focus on equitable community engagement. In this session, they'll delve into practical strategies and actionable steps rooted in DEIB principles, aimed at fostering inclusivity within land trusts. From understanding the significance of inclusivity to navigating the intricacies of...
How do we as Stewardship staff best protect sensitive habitats and species while also maintaining our properties for the public? Come with your questions, challenges, and insights so we can learn from each other. This call is part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. It will not be recorded. Register here.
This five-part series is targeted to experienced land protection personnel from land trusts and conservation partners who aspire to tackle large or complex land conservation projects in Massachusetts, including those that cross state lines. For these purposes, "landscape-scale" projects are those that may include multiple landowners or require a multi-year...
This four-part series, offered in partnership with Land Trust Alliance, will provide the tactics needed to better engage with people and raise more money. Topics will include: basic planning protocols, tools to develop strategic fundraising plans, approaches to fundraising from individual donors and funders, and more. Dates & times: Thursdays…
Today's topic of discussion will be "CRs: Writing Them, Defending Them - Tips and Tricks". Bring your questions and insights so we can learn from each other. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. This call will not be recorded. Register.
This course is for anyone interested in pursuing land protection as a career, whether or not enrolled in an academic program. The info session will explain the application process and the course. Find the link to the Zoom under View Details.
How do we attract, engage, and retain Board members? Let's learn from each other! We can also cover insights and things learned at the Conference which small land trusts may be able to implement. This call is part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. It will not be recorded.
The focus of this call will be "Membership Programs: Yes? No? Alternatives?". Some organizations have membership programs, others don't. Some are moving away from a membership model. Why? What alternatives are there? Come share your experiences, questions, and suggestions. These informal one-hour discussions are intended for staff and board...
This free educational webinar presented by Matt Goward CFP, UBS Wealth Management, will address how to create, fund and appropriately manage an endowment, and how endowments and other board-restricted funds may fit into managing your organization's financial sustainability. Hosted by MLTC...
This one-hour Zoom will start with a brief summary by two land trusts of their experiences with homeless encampments, then open the discussion to the group for insights, questions, and sharing their stories. We'll also gauge if there's interest in holding regular topic-based stewardship calls. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together...
Share with your development colleagues from across the state your success stories, questions, and ideas about sustaining donor memberships, and any programs you have (or would like to implement) for retaining and sustaining donors. This call will not be recorded…
The focus of this call will be Community Outreach and Engagement. Come prepared to share your experiences and ask questions. Topics for discussion might include letters, websites, social media, email list management, reaching kids/teens, etc. This call was not recorded...
We'll discuss "Online Giving Days" - pros, cons, success, ideas. We invite you to share your successful programs, and come with questions for your development colleagues. This call was not recorded...
This two-hour Zoom will continue the conversation started at the Land Trust / State Agency Retreat about farmland conservation funding and strategy. This conversation will be hosted by MLTC, and guided by David Viale (MDAR's APR program), Jamie Pottern (American Farmland Trust) and Kathy Orlando (Sheffield Land Trust). This call will...
Join this second networking session for staff and Board of Small Staffed Land Trusts. Topics on this call may include: year end appeals, board development, or volunteer recruitment and engagement. We are polling registrants for their topics of interest. There will also be time to ask any urgent questions of...
This month's topic for discussion will be "how to engage corporate and local business support for land conservation". We invite you to share a successful business collaboration, and come with questions for your development colleagues. Facilitated by MLTC. This call was not recorded...
This one-hour discussion will start with a brief summary of potential avenues for collaboration between land conservation and affordable housing that have been covered in prior meetings this year, then discuss whether and how to further dig into any of them. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series, intended for...
Join us to learn about the soon-to-be released Farmland Action Plan, and discuss a two-pronged proposal for accelerating agricultural conservation in Massachusetts. First, MLTC is considering hosting a multi-part training to more fully educate land trusts and others about APR options, tools, and farmland protection in general. Second, MLTC and...
The focus of this call will be Human Resources, with topics such as contractors vs. staff, growing the organization, hiring and firing, "staffing" both volunteer and paid, and others as participants bring up. Facilitated by MLTC. This call will not be recorded...
Small Staffed Land Trusts often face a unique set of concerns running their organizations. Topics of interest could include: managing a sustainable volunteer program, staffing vs. contractors, efficiency tools, project best practices and more. Bring your questions and ideas. Facilitated by MLTC. This discussion will not be recorded...
Join development colleagues to network and gather ideas on this month's focus topic of Growing Land Trust Membership. Share an approach that's been successful and / or describe a challenge that the group may be able to address. Facilitated by MLTC. This call will not be recorded...
This five-part series is targeted to land trust and municipal staff and volunteers who are interested in better understanding or directly engaging in land conservation transactions, but who have limited prior experience (i.e., zero to five conservation deals under their belts). Topics include: June 1 - The Basics of Land...
The focus of this call will be "How to Partner with an Affordable Housing Advocate / Developer / Community Land Trust". Facilitated by MLTC. This discussion will not be recorded...
This five-part series is targeted to land trust and municipal staff and volunteers who are interested in better understanding or directly engaging in land conservation transactions, but who have limited prior experience (i.e., zero to five conservation deals under their belts). Topics include: June 1 - The Basics of Land…
This five-part series is targeted to land trust and municipal staff and volunteers who are interested in better understanding or directly engaging in land conservation transactions, but who have limited prior experience (i.e., zero to five conservation deals under their belts). Topics include: June 1 - The Basics of Land…
Do you work with the agricultural community and want to enhance what can be done to support farmland protection and farming in the state? Join this group of stakeholders to convene around agricultural conservation. This will follow in the footsteps of successful MLTC working groups that have revised the state’s...
This five-part series is targeted to land trust and municipal staff and volunteers who are interested in better understanding or directly engaging in land conservation transactions, but who have limited prior experience (i.e., zero to five conservation deals under their belts). Topics include: June 1 - The Basics of Land…
This five-part series is targeted to land trust and municipal staff and volunteers who are interested in better understanding or directly engaging in land conservation transactions, but who have limited prior experience (i.e., zero to five conservation deals under their belts). Topics include: June 1 - The Basics of Land…
All Volunteer Land Trusts often face a unique set of concerns running their organizations. Today's discussion will touch upon some of those, such as succession planning and hiring staff or contractors, and perhaps others. Facilitated by MLTC. This discussion was not recorded...
Join MA land trust development colleagues to follow up on the lunchtime gathering that took place at the March MLTC conference. Our aim is to strengthen connections, increase opportunities to network and collaborate on fundraising efforts, and ultimately expand funding for the vital work of land trusts in the Commonwealth...
Building on the momentum of the conservation / housing discussions at the annual conference on March 25, as well as the urgency to find solutions to protecting land to meet climate goals and the (affordable) housing crunch affecting Massachusetts, this networking discussion provides an opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with...
This series took place on five consecutive Tuesdays from 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. starting October 4, 2022. MLTC is collaborating with the Land Trust Alliance and Maine Land Trust Network to help you ensure the permanence of your land trust and its conserved lands. This new...
As of July 2022, the American Forest Foundation and The Nature Conservancy have expanded the Family Forest Carbon Program into western and central Massachusetts (as well as Vermont and 4 counties in eastern New York). This program provides landowners who are interested in managing their forests -- when carbon is one...
This Stronger Together networking discussion provides an opportunity for land trust staff and board members to exchange ideas on efforts to advance racial justice, equity and inclusion initiatives within their organizations. This session will focus on sharing ideas on how to build and strengthen relationships with communities that have been...
Five consecutive Tuesdays, February 15 - March 15, 2022, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. This five-part series provides an orientation to unique elements of land trust work and important roles that Board members play. Drawing from Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices and feedback received from Massachusetts land trusts, Alliance...
Four 90-minute sessions: January 26, February 2, February 9 and March 9, 2022 via Zoom. At its heart, succession planning is not about replacing people but a way to facilitate change and growth, making your mission more enduring. Through a series of virtual sessions with separate tracks for staffed and...
Have you heard increased concerns about trail user safety in the wake of the late November attack on a woman hiking at the Middlesex Fells? If so, have you been wondering about an appropriate response? Are more group hikes a good idea? Additional signage or social media messages? This "Stronger...
Join us for this networking discussion that provides an opportunity for board members of all-volunteer land trusts to provide input on MLTC's 5-year strategic planning process that is currently underway. How can MLTC be a better advocate for you? Or help with your technical, funding, communications or other needs? Hosted...
2nd Thursday of each month, November 2021 - April 2022, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Hosted by UMass MassWoods. This six-part webinar series for landowners will feature relevant professionals to provide information and help answer questions. Sign up for individual webinars or the entire series. Learn more. November...
This networking discussion provides an opportunity for leaders of land trusts with 1 to 3 staff people or trusts that work within a single town to provide input on MLTC's 5-year strategic planning process currently underway. How can MLTC be a better advocate for you, or help with your technical...
This informal "Stronger Together" networking discussion sponsored by MLTC provides an opportunity for conservation leaders to share questions and ideas about how news regarding COVID breakthroughs and variants is impacting plans for your fall meetings and events. Go live or virtual? Hybrid? Masks or no masks? Exchange ideas with peers...
Wednesdays September 15, September 29 and October 20, 2021, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., via Zoom. This interactive three-part learning collaborative is for land trusts leaders interested in exploring ways to advance equity and inclusion initiatives. Led by Dr. Neenah Estrella-Luna, a dynamic researcher, educator and advocate…
Attorneys from the AG’s Office will discuss the Environmental Protection Division's work tackling climate change, challenging recent federal environmental rollbacks, enforcing state wetlands laws, and furthering environmental justice across the Commonwealth. The presentation will include lessons learned and opportunities for land trust engagement on some of the most pressing environmental...
Three sessions, beginning Monday May 10, 2021, 10:00 a.m. - noon via Zoom. Next sessions Monday May 17, 10 a.m. - noon; and Monday June 14, 10 a.m. - noon. This interactive three-part workshop is for land trusts leaders interested in exploring the possibility of formalized collaboration with other...
David Viale, Agricultural Lands Program Manager with the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, will lead a discussion with land trust representatives to explore ways to improve the Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) acquisition process. Input will be sought on topics including shortening the APR acquisition timeline; increasing available funding and the...
To date, NRCS in Massachusetts has routinely recognized prime farmland, unique farmland, and farmland of statewide importance as eligible for agricultural easement programs, including those conducted in partnership with Massachusetts' APR program. If additional important soil types were recognized, more farms would be eligible for easement funding. In 2019, the...
Mass Audubon Farm Life Center at Drumlin Farm
208 South Great Road, Lincoln, MA
Climate Change Communication for Land Trusts Workshop: Learning from Peers. Located at Mass Audubon Farm Life Center at Drumlin Farm, 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, MA...
Upper Cape Technical High School
220 Sandwich Road, Bourne, MA
Cracking the Communication Nut. Hosted by Southeastern Massachusetts Land Trust Convocation. Located at Upper Cape Technical High School, 220 Sandwich Road, Bourne, MA...