This database includes grants available to support a range of land conservation activities in Massachusetts, including land acquisition, habitat management, education and outreach, and organizational operations and capacity building.
This tool only displays grants with upcoming deadlines. Grants offered on an annual basis are not included until the next deadline has been announced. Grants are displayed in order by nearest application deadline. Filtering by Applicant Type or Program Category will limit results to applicable grants.
The database includes all grants MLTC has heard about, but we may have missed some. For lists compiled by others, visit Other Funding Resources page.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Subregion of Massachusetts
Grant Name:
Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Program
Grant Administrator:
University of Connecticut/EPA
Program Category:
Operations & Capacity Building
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Other Non-Profit
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
TCTAC supports underserved and rural/remote communities in EPA Region 1 as a resource and technical assistance hub. They provide training and assistance to help organizations navigate federal and local grant systems, develop strong proposals, and manage grant funding effectively.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Hometown Grants
Grant Administrator:
T Mobile
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, Tribal
Funder Type:
Private & Corporate Foundations
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program funds projects in towns with less than 50,000 people to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months, and include improvements to outdoor parks or trails.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Subregion of Massachusetts
Grant Name:
Land-Trust Capacity Building Grants
Grant Administrator:
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Program Category:
Operations & Capacity Building
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The Land Trust Capacity-Building Grant Program is invitation only, and will provide up to two years of support to the 22 land trusts serving Worcester County by investing in activities that will strengthen the capacity of land trusts to do their work, including strategic planning, volunteer management, grant navigation, project management, leadership development, and scaling internal systems.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund
Grant Administrator:
National Office of Trout Unlimited
Program Category:
Land Acquisition, Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Applicants must match grant on a one-to-one basis
The Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund provides grants for land protection projects that result in conservation easements or land trust or agency acquisition of important properties that protect salmon habitat. Funds will be awarded to TU Chapters and Councils in partnership with land trusts and conservation agencies to support land protection project expenses.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land Acquisition, Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) protects the agricultural viability and related conservation values of eligible land by limiting nonagricultural uses which negatively affect agricultural uses and conservation values, protect grazing uses and related conservation values by restoring or conserving eligible grazing land, and protecting and restoring and enhancing wetlands on eligible land.
Application Deadline:
Rolling until Tue, Oct 1 2024
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Solar Moonshot Program
Grant Administrator:
Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation
Program Category:
Climate Mitigation & Resiliency
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Other Non-Profit
Funder Type:
Private & Corporate Foundations
Max Award:
Match Required?:
These grants help non-profits afford the switch to clean energy. Priority is given to solar projects that have additional funding sources, community support, and have near-term installation plans. Grant amounts depend on a variety of factors, including need, and funds are limited. Application deadline is rolling.
Application Deadline:
Rolling until Fri, Oct 18 2024
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Wildlands Partnership
Grant Administrator:
Northeast Wilderness Trust
Program Category:
Land Acquisition
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Rolling admission, must be LTA-accredited to apply. Proposed project acres must total 500 or more acres, but may be aggregated with multiple non-adjacent parcels. Adjacent lands are preferred. Awards will be up to $100,000 in funding for existing fee lands and up to $250,000 to support new land acquisitions, all of which will be permanently protected with a forever-wild easement. The funds may be used for: staff time; stewardship endowment; forever-wild land acquisition; and transaction costs associated with the Wildlands Partnership project. (Funds may not be applied to cover legal fees.)
Application Deadline:
Sat, Mar 1 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative provides funds for accredited land trusts to contribute to bird conservation on private lands through activities such asstrategic planning, outreach, habitat management, stewardship, bird monitoring, eBird use, capacity building, and land or easement prioritization.
Application Deadline:
Mon, Mar 10 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Operations & Capacity Building, Outreach & Education Programs
Applicant Type:
Farm, Co-op, Food, or Agriculture, Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Funds are to support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production through planning and implementation activities. Planning activities will initiate, develop, or support the efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools, members of tribal communities, and other stakeholders in areas where access to fresh foods are limited or unavailable. Implementation activities will accelerate existing and emerging models of urban and/or innovative agricultural practices that serve multiple farmers or gardeners. Innovation may include new and emerging, as well as indigenous or non-traditional agricultural practices.
Application Deadline:
Fri, Mar 14 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land Acquisition, Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
This is a 50% reimbursable matching grant program, applicants must be able to document a 75% share of the project cost in order to cover temporary cash flow.
MHC is for municipalities and nonprofits to support the preservation of properties, landscapes, and sites (cultural resources) listed in the State Register of Historic Places. Eligable projects include feasibility studies, historical structure reporting, construction and restoration activities, and acquisiting projects.