This database includes grants available to support a range of land conservation activities in Massachusetts, including land acquisition, habitat management, education and outreach, and organizational operations and capacity building.
This tool only displays grants with upcoming deadlines. Grants offered on an annual basis are not included until the next deadline has been announced. Grants are displayed in order by nearest application deadline. Filtering by Applicant Type or Program Category will limit results to applicable grants.
The database includes all grants MLTC has heard about, but we may have missed some. For lists compiled by others, visit Other Funding Resources page.
Application Deadline:
Mon, Feb 10 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
This grant provides financial and technical assistance to fish passage through the removal of dams and other in-stream barriers for native migratory or sea-run fish. Funding is for fish passage that rebuilds productive and sustainable fisheries, contributes to the recovery and conservation of threatened and endangered species, enhances watershed health, promotes resilient ecosystems and communities, especially in underserved communities, and improves economic vitality.
Application Deadline:
Thu, Apr 3 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Landscape Partnership Grant
Grant Administrator:
Division of Conservation Services
Program Category:
Land Acquisition
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The Landscape Partnership grant program supports work to protect large blocks of conservation land, including Purchase of property interests through fee simple acquisition, conservation restriction (CR), agricultural preservation restriction (APR), or watershed preservation restriction (WPR). Local, state and federal government agencies, and non-profit groups can use this grant to work together to protect properties that meet the minimum acreage required based on county.
Application Deadline:
Mon, Feb 3 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
MassTrails Grants
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
MassTrails grants are MATCHING grants and require that proponents provide a minimum of 20% of the total project cost.
MassTrails Grants are for communities, public entities, Native nations, and non-profit organizations to plan, design, create, and maintain the networks of trails, trail systems, and trails across the state. Eligible grant activities include project development, design, engineering, permitting, construction, and maintenance of recreational trails, shared-use pathways, and the amenities that support trails.
Application Deadline:
Rolling until Fri, Oct 18 2024
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Wildlands Partnership
Grant Administrator:
Northeast Wilderness Trust
Program Category:
Land Acquisition
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Rolling admission, must be LTA-accredited to apply. Proposed project acres must total 500 or more acres, but may be aggregated with multiple non-adjacent parcels. Adjacent lands are preferred. Awards will be up to $100,000 in funding for existing fee lands and up to $250,000 to support new land acquisitions, all of which will be permanently protected with a forever-wild easement. The funds may be used for: staff time; stewardship endowment; forever-wild land acquisition; and transaction costs associated with the Wildlands Partnership project. (Funds may not be applied to cover legal fees.)
Application Deadline:
Fri, Jan 24 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Subregion of Massachusetts
Grant Name:
Aquatic Connectivity Project Design and Planning Activities
Grant Administrator:
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
Program Category:
Climate Mitigation & Resiliency, Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
This program funds site-specific design and planning activities that enable subsequent construction of projects that improve aquatic habitat connectivity and provide additional benefits for climate resilience.
Application Deadline:
Fri, Feb 7 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Subregion of Massachusetts
Grant Name:
Resilient and Connected Appalachians Grants
Grant Administrator:
The Nature Conservancy
Program Category:
Land Acquisition
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, State Agency, Tribal
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The RCAGP supports fee and easement land acquisition projects that fall within the Resilient and Connected Network. Funds can be used for project capital, development, stewardship & legal defense, operational costs, and indirect costs.
Application Deadline:
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Hometown Grants
Grant Administrator:
T Mobile
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Other Non-Profit, Tribal
Funder Type:
Private & Corporate Foundations
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program funds projects in towns with less than 50,000 people to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections. Projects should be shovel-ready, physical builds or improvements that can be completed within 12 months, and include improvements to outdoor parks or trails.
Application Deadline:
Rolling until Fri, Apr 11 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Land Conservation Assistance Program
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land Acquisition, Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Municipality, Town, or Local Govt, Tribal
Funder Type:
Max Award:
Match Required?:
The Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affair's Division of Conservation Land Services' Land Conservation Assistance Grants are for municipalities, 501(c)(3) land trust organizations, tribal governments, conservation districts, water/fire districts, and public water suppliers to support property transactions that will result in the permanent protection of land. Funds can be used to develop or update a municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan, or plan for the development or renovation of a park.
Application Deadline:
Sat, Mar 1 2025
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative
Grant Administrator:
Program Category:
Land or Habitat Management & Restoration
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization
Funder Type:
Non-Profit Org (i.e., cultural council, LTA, OSI)
Max Award:
Match Required?:
Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative provides funds for accredited land trusts to contribute to bird conservation on private lands through activities such asstrategic planning, outreach, habitat management, stewardship, bird monitoring, eBird use, capacity building, and land or easement prioritization.
Application Deadline:
Rolling until Tue, Oct 1 2024
Geographic Eligibility:
Grant Name:
Solar Moonshot Program
Grant Administrator:
Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation
Program Category:
Climate Mitigation & Resiliency
Applicant Type:
Land Trust or Conservation Organization, Other Non-Profit
Funder Type:
Private & Corporate Foundations
Max Award:
Match Required?:
These grants help non-profits afford the switch to clean energy. Priority is given to solar projects that have additional funding sources, community support, and have near-term installation plans. Grant amounts depend on a variety of factors, including need, and funds are limited. Application deadline is rolling.