This session on best practices for working with appraisers in land conservation is designed for land trust staff and board members involved in land protection. It will feature insights from experienced land protection practitioners, Land Trust Alliance staff, and seasoned appraisers on how to develop effective relationships with appraisers and improve conservation outcomes. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. Co-hosted by the Land Trust Alliance, Connecticut Land Conservation Council, and the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition.
Join the Land Trust Alliance and MLTC for an information session to learn how your land trust could be selected for a comprehensive organizational development package that includes an organizational assessment tailored to your specific needs and interests, a customized list of priority action items, and eligibility for an Implementation Grant to implement these initiatives. Participants will also gain ongoing support through quarterly coaching calls. The application period is April 14 – May 16, 2025. Join the info session to learn more about the types of assessments available, the application process, and requirements to participate. This session will give you all the necessary details with time for Q&A. Learn more.
Conversation on these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so this is a great place to bring questions for your peers. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson ( for more information.
Between 2018-2022, the Buzzards Bay Coalition led an effort that brought together federal, state and local agencies and hundreds of individual donors to raise $6.2 million to purchase 68-acres of rare island habitats to prevent resort development and ensure that the island would be open for public access. That bold action then inspired a private landowner gift of a 230-acre conservation restriction, leading to an island today that is nearly 70% conserved. On this trip, we will cruise across the Bay to enjoy a hiking tour of the island’s trails and vistas and learn about the Coalition’s active grassland and shorebird management projects. Attendees will gather at the ferry at 8:30, travel together to and from the island, returning at 4 p.m. Parking & ferry fee are the responsibility of each attendee.
The focus of this quarter's call will be on Volunteers: Recruiting, Engaging, and Retaining. This could be targeted toward using volunteers for fundraising and development purposes.
The general topic for this quarter's call will be GIS. For discussion may be: which you use, sharing data & files, file naming conventions, remote access, templates for keeping MassGIS data up to date, staffing a GIS person, and likely more.
This field trip compliments the Conference workshop on the Cooper Hill Conservation Project, which will protect over 1,000 acres in the towns of Sheffield, MA and Salisbury, CT. Walk the trails - some still being cut - and view the vistas while listening to key project leads describe the how the Cooper Hill Conservation Alliance quickly formed to work with the farmers who farmed a large portion of this land for over two decades. And how this complex project was made possible not only via multiple conservation tools, but importantly, through the trust and collaboration among all the partners.
via Zoom
4-part series: June 3, 10, 17, 24 / 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
This 4-part Zoom series, co-sponsored by MLTC and The Trustees, is intended for staff and board members from land trusts interested in initiating or expanding work in urban/developed parts of their service areas. Covers five topic areas, lots of participant interaction and time for questions, and includes an associated field trip in July. Speakers from Massachusetts land trusts will share examples of their work, delving into issues such as their motivations for the project, building relationships, considerations for working on land that is owned by partners, and benefits and challenges they’ve experienced. They will also describe lessons learned, recommendations for successful partnerships, and funding sources that may be particular to urban work. They hope to demonstrate that with the right motivation and preparation, any sized land trust can embark on similar work.
When a truly “special” landscape comes along, it can feel like both an outstanding opportunity and a daunting challenge. In 2021, such a place was gifted to Kestrel by an artist and psychiatrist who spent 40 years stewarding 150 acres - including a 900-foot traverse of a gorgeous bog -, establishing recreational trails and installing sculptures near his house. Come explore this special place with Kestrel's leadership staff to discuss the “how’s” of converting private trails to public use while retaining the distinctive personal imprint that makes a place feel exceptional.
Hybrid. In-person at Brewster's Woods Wildlife Sanctuary in Concord, and via Zoom.
Land trust staff and board members as well as conservation partners are welcome to this quarterly meeting, featuring relevant news from state agencies, a timely update on state and federal policy matters, announcements, and a featured topic. Formerly known as "Steering Committee Meetings", these meetings are convened by MLTC's Partner...
This tour will visit the Pawtucket Farm Wildlife Sanctuary (PFWS) in Lowell, MA. PFWS is a collaboration between Lowell Parks & Conservation, Mass Audubon, and Mill City Grows. Participants will get to walk the 22-acre former Christmas tree farm and see the implementation of community-based visioning and planning, including recently completed All Persons Trail and an outdoor classroom under construction.
This field trip is a compliment to the Conference workshop entitled "Habit to Habitat: Transforming Landscapes to Resilient Ecosystems, from Conception to Maintenance". Join Evan Abramson, Principal of Landscape Interactions, and Brandon Schmitt, Director of Wellesley's Natural Resources Commission, to witness the results of the processes they went through to transform Simons Park into a resilient ecosystem.
Experience the freshly ecologically restored Robert F. Smith Cold Brook Preserve in Harwich Port on the Cape during a guided walk led by Harwich Conservation Trust Board President Tom Evans. Tour the new half-mile All Persons Trail which crosses two bridges with views of Cold Brook flowing freely through the 66-acre Preserve for the first time in over a century. Learn how the recent eco-restoration project enhanced the health of the land and water for the benefit of people and wildlife. Registration link coming soon.