Learning Collaborative: Advancing Racial Justice, Equity and Inclusion for Land Trusts



Wednesdays September 15, September 29 and October 20, 2021, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., via Zoom

This interactive three-part learning collaborative is for land trusts leaders interested in exploring ways to advance equity and inclusion initiatives. Led by Dr. Neenah Estrella-Luna, a dynamic researcher, educator and advocate for racial equity and environmental justice, this series will help participants examine opportunities, clarify challenges and set concrete objectives for meaningful next steps. At the end of this series, participants will be in a position to draft a plan of organizational learning and relationship building to support strategic priorities specific to their organization. 

To foster a supportive peer cohort, participants are asked to commit to attend all three sessions and set aside adequate time to read materials and participate in exercises before and between sessions. Materials to be reviewed and exercises to be completed before and between sessions may require as much as 8-10 hours of additional time across the entire series. Due to the discussion-oriented nature of these sessions, they will not be recorded. Content will include: 

Basic concepts and history related to racial justice and the implications for land conservation of systemic displacement and residential segregation; Racial self-awareness; Identifying the historically excluded and oppressed populations within or near your organization’s service area; Practice explaining ideas or concepts to stakeholders who may be resistant to addressing racial justice; Reviewing organizational structures, policies and programs to identify areas where exclusion and inequity are fostered; Understanding microaggressions and responding to them in a manner consistent with one’s position and personality; Understanding the stages and kinds of change needed to plan for and build an anti-racist, equity-centered organization over the short, medium, and long term; and Understanding the kinds of relationships needed to engage in anti-racist, equity-centered practice. 

A confidential and lightly moderated discussion space will be created for participants to interact with and support one another between sessions. As an optional final deliverable, participating organizations may submit a draft set of organizational objectives for feedback from Dr. Estrella-Luna.  

To enhance the likelihood that organizations will be positioned to put ideas into action, each participating organization is asked to register at least two representatives to attend. Cost: $20 per attendee for MLTC members, $40 per attendee for non-members.