Farmland Protection Tools in Massachusetts



DATE CHANGE - was June 19, now June 20.

Massachusetts is losing farmland faster than we can save it. Land trusts can play a part in ensuring land remains available for future generations of farmers! There are many programs (and lots of funding) available to help protect farmland. Kathleen Doherty, Farmland Easement Support Specialist at American Farmland Trust, will share information about farmland protection tools and funding sources for Massachusetts land trusts and municipalities. Topics will include: the case for protecting farmland in Massachusetts, MDAR Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program, USDA-NRCS ACEP-ALE,  general info about other resources for farmers (grants and programs offered by AFT, MDAR, USDA, and others), and opportunities for land trusts/conservation agencies to get involved with farmland protection. There will be time for Q&A