Resources For Land Trusts
Last reviewed by MLTC 9/30/2024.
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to plan and imple...
Strategies for Nonprofit Engagement in the Legislative Process. Takes readers through getting started, provides examples of nonprofits that successfully used public policy engagement, and presents pro...
Website linked here.
Last reviewed by MLTC 10/1/2024.
A toolkit to help farmers and landowners affordably access, transfer, and conserve farmland.
View the toolkit here.
This report by the Connecticut Land Conservation Council, prepared in in partnership with the CT Dept. of Agriculture, provides insights that could also be helpful to agriculture, conservation and env...
Last reviewed by MLTC 10/1/2024. American Farmland Trust's National Agricultural Land Network Community provides a platform for people working on farmland protection across the country to connect and ...
This page on the Farmland Information Center has info about federal, state, and local tools for farmland protection, including ACEP-ALE, general info about state APR programs, local tools such as righ...
Conservation programs of the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the US Dept of Agriculture.
View all programs
A guide for monitoring conservation easements created by the Stowe Land Trust, Stowe VT. This guide was used as resource material for the 2016 MassLand Stewardship Workshop.
Forms and information relating to registering and reporting by public charities and non-profits.
Public charities annual filings
Registering a public charity
Non-profit organizations / public charitie...
Please download this spreadsheet before using!
Updated for 2010. Spreadsheet opens to an overview of grants listed by agency with conservation targets listed across the top. Hyperlinks on the overvie...
Article linked here.
Overview of IRS Form 8283 - deductions for noncash charitable contributions - including links for instructions, revisions and the form at:
This resource includes the follow up from Mass ECAN's December workshop on Funding for Watershed-Scale Collaboration. This piece includes summaries of what they heard along with recommendations and ta...
Last reviewed by MLTC 11/18/2024.
MDAR offers various grants and funding programs for agricultural projects. This guide provides an overview of each grant. View the page here. A corresponding booklet ...
Last reviewed by MLTC 11/18/2024.
Farm Credit East provides grant funding opportunities for farms in the Northeast. Programs are for beginning farmers, conservation, environment and forestry; energy; ...
A presentation given at the 2016 Mass Land Conservation Conference: Open Field Management: Managing Fields for Wildlife Habitat.