Resources For Landowners

  • Introduction to Land Conservation

    There are several options to consider when thinking about conserve your land. You may convey ownership of the land by:- donating the land to a nonprofit conservation organization or government entity....

  • Land Conservation Options

    A guide for Massachusetts landowners to the opportunities to protect their land. Published by Essex County Greenbelt in 2014.

  • MA Chapter 61 Current Use Tax Programs

    There are three Ch. 61 programs, outlined on this page. Each program provides a means to assess land at its current use (forest, agriculture, or open space/recreation) as opposed to its development va...

  • MA Current Use Forest Tax Program

    The Massachusetts Current Use Forest Tax Law, (Chapter 61), is designed to give favorable treatment to a landowner willing to keep forested land undeveloped and manage that land under a long-term stra...

  • MA Landowner Programs

    In recognition of the many public benefits private lands provide, landowner assistance programs have been developed as a way to support landowners. View programs at:

  • MA Service Forestry Program

    This Program provides technical assistance to private landowners and municipalities in forest resource planning, forest management, and forest protection within 14 districts across the state. View pro...

  • Massachusetts Forest Stewardship Program

    This program supports and encourages private forest landowners' efforts to manage, enjoy, and care for their land using a long-term approach. View program at:

  • Massachusetts Forestry Programs Overview

    Programs to serve the owners of forest land in Massachusetts and the forest they care for. If you have questions or simply care about the forests of Massachusetts this is a good place to start. View ...

  • Planned Giving

    The term “planned giving” refers to charitable gifts that require some planning before they are made. This document describes various reasons to get involved in planned giving.

  • Post-Mortem Donation of Conservation Easements

    Explores opportunities available under Section 2031(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, in particular the post-mortem donation of a conservation easement. Demonstrates that a personal representative may ...

  • Provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill

    Information on the 2014 Farm Bill from the US Department of Agriculture available here. US Farm Bill Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) information available here.

  • Recreational Use Shields Landowner from Liability

    Massachusetts, General Law c. 21 sec. 17C affords any owner who allows the public to use their land for recreation at no charge relief from liability, so long as the owner has not been willful, want...