Land Trust / State Agency Retreat Archive

2023 Land Trust / State Agency Retreat

Held Thursday, October 5 in-person at Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA with optional social hour to celebrate Bob O'Connor, and Friday, October 6 in-person at Harvard Forest and via Zoom
Schedule  |  Celebrate Bob O'Connor (invitation)

Thursday presentations

Creating Community through Conservation: Pawtucket Farm  /  Jane Calvin, Executive Director, Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust
Revitalizing Parks – Reconnecting Neighborhoods  /  Mark Wamsely, Conservation Director, Kestrel Land Trust
Farmland Protection Funding  /  David Viale, Agricultural Lands Programs Supervisor, MDAR APR program
Forests as Climate Solutions: Overview & Current Status  /  Stephanie Cooper, Undersecretary for Environment and Kurt Gaertner, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Policy
Talking Trees: Community Engagement in Environmental Justice Neighborhoods  /  Mathew Cahill, DCR Community Action Forester
For further information about getting fishing or boating access in your community, email Doug Cameron, Chief Engineer, Dept. of Fish & Game

Notes from Forests as Climate Solutions Initiative

Conservation of Forest Land and Expansion of Forest Reserves
Provision of Landowner Incentives and Business Assistance     

Notes from Friday's discussions

Increasing the Pace of Conservation: A Harwich Success Story  /  Mike Lach, Executive Director, Harwich Conservation Trust
How can we increase the pool of willing sellers?
How can we increase project management capacity?
How to meet the moment of increased funding for farmland preservation? (unedited)