09:32:55 From Jennifer Carlino, Easton she/her to Everyone: If there can be a cheat sheet describing each one's pros/cons/eligible for IRS, in table form, that would be really helpful for municipalities, particularly if we can use with cluster development requirements. thanks! 09:33:39 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Ditto what Jennifer said. A table would be a super helpful resource. 09:33:57 From Buzz Constable to Everyone: Do you have any opinion of any counsel that a board resolution ensures perpetuity? Notice of grant (federal or state)? The current form of tribal agreement ? How about zoning special permits for OSRD. 09:35:49 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: From MLTC's website: https://massland.org/resources/overlay-crs-add-protection-land-trust-properties 09:39:38 From Kathy Sferra to Everyone: need a quick summary of the question by mark... 09:45:18 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Where can we read more about Charitable Trusts as described by Mark? 09:46:28 From Stephen O'Grady, Orleans Conservation Trust to Everyone: Here's the link on the MLTC site: https://massland.org/resources/charitable-trusts-and-their-application 09:46:55 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Thanks! 09:52:44 From Stephen Small to Everyone: Mark Robinson - can you clarify - at this point are you talking about use of a charitable trust in a fee ownership case, in lieu of a 31-33 fully signed CR? or is it a question of going through the 31-33 process AND using language in the CR to create a charitable trust in addition to the statutory protection, or something else? 09:57:21 From Stephen O'Grady, Orleans Conservation Trust to Everyone: To Steve Small: The Orleans experience working with Mark and the Compact has been either CR or charitable trust establishing the protective overlay. I don't think we've ever layered on both. 09:59:01 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: If the presenters agree, all Retreat presentations will be posted to the MLTC website next week. 10:01:43 From Stephen Small to Everyone: Replying to "To Steve Small: The ..." thanks for that! Lots of potential but lots of questions that have never been asked, or answered, before. I"m all in favor of more tools, but "enforceability" in MA is of course critical. 10:05:08 From Stephen Small to Barbara Chrenko, MLTC(direct message): Replying to "Maybe a discussion f..." I think they are two separate issues (because they are) - we need to know more about charitable trusts before we talk about the intersection of that with 97. too many hypotheticals right now. Further discussion could answer/eliminate/etc. some of those hypos 10:16:51 From Buzz Constable to Everyone: Notice must be filed before thirty years, I believe, not “after”… 10:29:44 From Kathy Sferra to Everyone: If land is acquired for Conservation purposes with CPA a simpler restriction should be adequate. It's no different from any other conservation land... 10:30:38 From Kathy Sferra to Everyone: … if needed under Chapter 40, Section 8C! 10:30:39 From Laura Mattei to Everyone: I agree with Kathy's opinion. To avoid additional "bureaucracy." 10:30:45 From Kathy Sferra to Everyone: deeded 10:32:05 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Overlay CRs to Add Protection to Land Trust Properties | Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition https://massland.org/resources/overlay-crs-add-protection-land-trust-properties 10:32:50 From Buzz Constable to Everyone: But Article. 97 imposes a hurdle, not a barrier, to conversion. That’s why 3rd party enforcement is needed if we care about Perpetuity…. 10:33:45 From Kathy Sferra to Everyone: Buzz, I agree that we should not rely on just Article 97, but a full blown CR is overkill. Is there a middle option? 10:37:53 From Buzz Constable to Everyone: How about a statutory confirmation that notice of grants, accepted by owner, is perpetual? Still leaves the 3rd party enforcement problem….. 10:46:22 From Megan Gordon to Everyone: I'd love to see better language for adaptability with climate change. ex. floating building envelopes (estabilshed area and then a back up area) in the event of sea level rise 10:52:20 From Megan Gordon to Everyone: Love the shirt, Dave 10:55:17 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Who is this speaking? 10:55:35 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Robb asked. David Viale is speaking. 10:55:43 From Mark Wamsley to Everyone: from MDAR 10:57:10 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Thanks, I didn't think I could do a successful google search for cool shirt guy! 10:57:32 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Dave has a PPT which we can share next week. 10:57:40 From Jennifer Carlino, Easton she/her to Everyone: how would municipalities be notified of private deed restrictions or private APRs so that they are included in OSRP's matrix and on MassMapper? if there isn't a mechanism now, can we think about adding one? 10:58:09 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Rose Arruda. 10:59:22 From Megan Gordon to Everyone: Agree with Vanessa. The Protected Land Layer update needs to be prioritized 11:12:00 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: MLTC listserv https://massland.org/resources/listserv 11:12:15 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Who is speaking and offering to share models? 11:13:05 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Vanessa Johnson-Hall, Essex County Greenbelt 11:13:53 From Megan Gordon to Everyone: Having language options in the template is more helpful to drafters than having them hidden in a library. Especially since we don't know what the state will approve or not in this moment. 11:14:18 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Sheri Widdis, CR reviewer 11:14:58 From Megan Gordon to Everyone: Replying to "Having language opti..." Or maybe we can link to that specific language library within the template 11:32:59 From Carol Entin to Everyone: If we have any other thoughts about the CR revisions, etc., to whom would we send them? 11:34:29 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: For further CR model comments, send to Bob Wilber robert.wilber@mass.gov and/or robb@massland.org and bchrenko@massland.org 11:39:55 From Janet Milkman to Everyone: Does the cranberry bog acquisition grant fall in DER or DCS? Will it be offered in 2025? 11:44:02 From Natashia Sawabi (USDA NRCS) to Everyone: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs-initiatives/acep-agricultural-conservation-easement-program/massachusetts/agricultural Massachusetts Agricultural Conservation Easement Program website (with Fiscal year 2025 deadlines) 11:44:45 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration(direct message): Can you provide a link in the chat with all your grants (or at least the ones you talked about today). -- barbara 11:45:03 From Natashia Sawabi (USDA NRCS) to Everyone: https://farmlandinfo.org/acep-ale-toolkit/ Agricultural Land Easement application tool kit (guide to applying for partners and landowner's) 11:46:25 From Natashia Sawabi (USDA NRCS) to Everyone: https://farmlandinfo.org/acep-wre-for-landowners/ WRE toolkit for landowner's 11:48:05 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/become-a-der-priority-project 11:48:08 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/culvert-replacement-municipal-assistance-grant-program 11:48:49 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/partnerships-program 11:48:51 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: https://www.mass.gov/news/notice-of-upcoming-opportunity-dam-removal-preliminary-design-services 11:49:28 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration, carrie.banks@mass.gov 11:49:45 From Natashia Sawabi (USDA NRCS) to Everyone: Natashia.Sawabi@USDA.gov 413-253-4378 11:50:35 From Jasper Cowley (NRCS) to Everyone: My contact info: Jasper.Cowley@usda.gov, 413-253-4507. Ryan Shumeykos contact info: Ryan.Shumeyko@usda.gov, 413-253-4353 11:51:19 From Rita Thibodeau- USDA NRCS to Everyone: Replying to "Does the cranberry b..." The WRE program does not work directly with the DER or DCS program if this is your question. It can, but does not need to. 11:53:30 From Carrie Banks, Division of Ecological Restoration to Everyone: Replying to "Does the cranberry b..." Hi Janet, The Cranberry Bog Acquisition for Restoration Program is an EEA Grant Program. I believe it has been offered annually the past couple of years. Here is a link to the last request for proposals: https://www.mass.gov/doc/apply-for-a-cranberry-bog-acquisition-for-restoration-grant/download#:~:text=The%20Cranberry%20Bog%20Acquisition%20for%20Restoration%20Grant%20Program%20also%20supports,It%20is%20a%20reimbursement%20program. 11:53:46 From Janet Milkman to Everyone: Replying to "Does the cranberry b..." Thank you 12:01:56 From Marianne Iarossi, The Trustees to Everyone: Replying to "Does the cranberry b..." Dave, Is the $1.3M you speak of the Farmland Futures money? Or different 12:06:51 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Rita Thibodeau- USDA NRCS(direct message): Can you put your email into the chat for reference. Thanks! 12:07:47 From Rita Thibodeau- USDA NRCS to Everyone: Rita Thibodeau, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs rita.thibodeau@usda.gov 12:10:16 From Tyler Maikath to Everyone: Land for Good is an organization that can help match landowners of farmland and farm seekers: https://landforgood.org/ 12:13:20 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Dave Viale, MDAR, david.viale@mass.gov 12:13:33 From Jasper Cowley (NRCS) to Everyone: This fact sheet explains the basics of the Buy-Protect-Sell option for our Agricultural Lands Easement Program, which works well in a situation where a landowner is looking to transfer farmland to a new eligible farmer/owner and protect it at the same time: NRCS_buy_protect_sell_factsheet (usda.gov) [link did not translate to the chat] 12:13:54 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: Vanessa Farny, DCS programs, vanessa.farny@mass.gov 12:14:57 From Tyler Maikath to Everyone: More succession resources for farmland are here: Agricultural Business Training Program (ABTP) | Mass.gov 12:15:14 From Tyler Maikath to Everyone: And here: download (mass.gov) [link did not translate to the chat] 12:23:47 From Emily Myron to Everyone: sorry can you say the name of the program you're talking about again? 12:25:08 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: next [ACEP-ALE] sub-committee meeting is next Wednesday, October 23rd from 1-3pm! Please take a moment to officially register here! The meeting will include updates from NRCS, MDAR, AFT, and partners related to farmland protection funding deadlines and upcoming opportunities. We’ll also use this time for other partner updates and discussion, including an in-depth discussion about “Private APRs” and how to pair ACEP-ALE funding with Private APRs in Massachusetts. 12:26:46 From Carol Entin to Everyone: Thank you for providing zoom participation for this part of your program! Great information and presentations. Learned a lot! 12:26:46 From Rita Thibodeau- USDA NRCS to Everyone: Thank you everyone. 12:26:47 From Emily Myron to Everyone: Huge thanks to the planners!! 12:26:58 From Barbara Chrenko, MLTC to Everyone: THanks everybody!