June 2024 Conservation Partner Meeting


Hybrid: in-person at The Trustees' Doyle Center Main Building OR via Zoom (register below) |

Directions: 464 Abbott Ave., Leominster | https://thetrustees.org/place/doyle-community-park/

Land trust staff and board members as well as conservation partners are welcome to this quarterly meeting, featuring relevant news from state agencies, a timely update on state and federal policy matters, announcements, and a featured topic. Formerly known as "Steering Committee Meetings", these meetings are convened by MLTC's Partner Engagement Committee: Kathy Orlando, Chair, Olivia Lukacic, Vice-Chair.  

Meeting Minutes (unaccepted)
Tom O'Shea's Vision 2050 presentation 
State Policy Update
LTA Federal Policy Update
LTA presentation
MLTC Staff & Programs Report