Membership renewal time is here

August 19, 2020

Thank you to all who have already renewed your membership for FY21.

For those who haven't yet renewed, a gentle reminder to renew your membership.
Or join us for the first time. Other ways to support MassLand are also available.
Our membership year is July 1 - June 30, though we do accept memberships throughout the year.

FY21 Membership Form for Land Trusts
FY21 Membership Form for Conservation Partners, Businesses and Individuals

Due largely to members and friends like you who value Massachusetts' open spaces and protected places, the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition is able to continue to strengthen and connect land trusts, and to be the voice of the land trust community on advocacy issues.

What is in it for you? You will receive discounted admission to the annual Mass Land Conservation Conference; member access to, Steering Committee meetings, and workshops; and subscription to MassLand's E-News. Plus, you will have played a huge role in promoting land protection in Massachusetts.

Thank you for your support! You make our work possible.