Help Override the Governor's Vetoes

December 15, 2020

In an incredible acknowledgement of the critical role nature plays in our wellbeing and economy, all four Green Budget Coalition priorities got increases in the operating budget approved by the legislature in early December. Unfortunately, the Governor vetoed three of those increases.

There is still hope, but we need you to ask legislators to override the governor's vetoes to ensure environmental protection in Massachusetts.

Click here to find contact information for your legislators, then leave messages or send emails asking them to override the Governor's veto and restore the Conference Committee's budget recommendations for the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and the Division of Ecological Restoration (DER).

Here's a sample script:

“Hello, my name is __________________ and I am a resident of _______________, Massachusetts. I am calling to ask that Representative / Senator __________________  override Governor Baker's veto on the line items for DCR State Parks and Recreation (2810-0100), DEP Administration (2200-0100) and DFG Division of Ecological Restoration (2300-0101), and urge their colleagues to do the same.

[Add a personal note about how important it is to you and your community to have a safe and thriving environment.]

Thank you for your time and consideration.”