Uncertainty RE: Federal Funding & Executive Orders - Resources

February 28, 2025

List updated Feb. 28 (newest on top). In this period of uncertainty regarding federal funding, here are some resources to help federal grantees with steps they can take to inform and protect themselves. We will provide an update on any federal funding news in eNews. (Some resources courtesy of Climate XChange newsletter and MassRivers.)

Land Trust Alliance's resource webpage on the New Federal Landscape, covering categories such as nonprofits, federal funding, DEI, climate & conservation, and much more.

Federal Impacts Survey: Add Your Voice Today (link to survey) Survey open through March 17. Conducted by the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, in partnership with The Boston Foundation and The MassINC Polling Group to gather feedback on how the new federal administration may be impacting non-profit organizations and the people they serve. All responses are anonymous and will be consolidated with those of other respondents for analysis. They will not be identified with you personally or your organization. Questions about the survey? Contact The MassINC Polling Group at info@massincpolling.com.

Should you remove "woke" keywords from your website? — Laura S. Quinn Consulting (Feb. 24)

Leading in Uncertain Times (Feb. 24), from the Institute for Conservation Leadership.

Massachusetts Attorney General Campbell, in concert with other states' AGs, issues guidance for businesses on DEIA employment initiatives and immigration enforcement. (Feb. 13) Read more.

Let your senator know how the freeze is affecting your organization by filling out this form (from Senator Markey's office).

From the National Council of Nonprofits, a regularly updated list of executive orders with corresponding actions, as well as a form to share how cuts are affecting your organization.

Lawyers for Good Government is offering guidance to grantees and sub-awardees on defending their funds. They have also written a Guidance Brief on protecting your federal funding.

The Environmental Protection Network has templates to communicate with grant administrators (editable) to use if you have trouble drawing down your funds.