Ensure the Great American Outdoors Act is Signed into Law

July 24, 2020

On Wednesday, July 22nd the U.S. House of Representatives took historic action and passed the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) to permanently and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and help fund the backlog of maintenance projects on federal public lands, including national parks and national forests. The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass the bill in mid-June. If signed into law, this bill will increase federal funding for land conservation by millions of dollars each year, making it one of the most significant pieces of conservation legislation in recent memory.  

YOUR calls and emails helped get us to this point! The final step is for President Trump to sign it into law and he has a 10-day clock to sign the bill or veto it. The President has previously expressed his support for the bill.

Write to your members of Congress here, thanking them for passing the Great American Outdoors Act and asking them to urge the President to sign the bill into law as soon as possible. Or you can send a thank you through the Appalachian Mountain Club website.