Rooted, Ready & Resilient: A BIPOC-led Vision for Crisis-Proof Food Systems

Author: Heal Food Alliance

"This messaging guide is intended to uplift the vision in our Platform for Real Food in a way that is 1) linked to the current pandemic in ways that are timely and resonant, and 2) true to our values and vision.

This guide offers visioning and high-level messaging that we can use to talk about HEAL’s areas of work — Health, Environment, Agriculture, and Labor — in the current context. It is not intended to be a deep dive into every solution in each of the 10 planks of the Platform or provide specific policy solutions.

We’ve largely drawn from and were inspired by the Race Class Narrative (RCN) framework to develop this messaging guide."

-Heal Food Alliance

Attachments: rooted-and-ready-final-copy-1.pdf