New England Forests as a Natural Climate Solution: Talking Points

You may recall that during the NFN Zoom meeting in November 2021, members voiced unanimous support for developing shared messaging in support of the five pathways described in a draft of the 2022 report, "New England's Climate Imperative: Our Forests as a Natural Climate Solution." The report explained that maximum benefit would accrue from a systems approach to increasing forest carbon stores via avoided deforestation, wildland reserves, improved forest management, mass timber construction, and urban and suburban forests. 

At NFN members' request, Highstead hired a communications and marketing firm, Water Words that Work, to help turn the 2022 report's findings into talking points that members could use more efficiently to convey the positive impact of our region's forests on mitigating climate change. One of the 2022 report's principal co-authors also helped us break impacts down by state for each pathway, which was previously unavailable.

Attachments: New England Forest as a Natural Climate Solution Presentation