Date of Publication: 05/01/2019
The primary purpose of the DEIJ Guide is to provide a path forward on DEIJ for organizations working on
environmental issues in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. While this guide is not as granular as a ‘how to’ document, we hope the recommendations included herein will serve as a pathway with which to advance DEIJ strategies within individual organizations and regionally. More importantly we view this document as a living document that will be updated over time and will serve to enhance the culture of assessment of our own community, leading to continuous improvement for the funding entities, non-profits organizations, local governments, and ultimately the residents of this region. Many recommendations include a specific focus on DEIJ as it relates to communities of color and race-based disparities; this focus is intentional due to our nation’s history of race-based discrimination and the related split between the environmental movement and the environmental justice movement.
Attachments: cb-watershed-deij-guide_may-2019.pdf