Sample Language for CLTC Senate FY23 State Operating Budget

Sample language:

Sample call script and email that you can send your State Senator to support the budget for the Conservation Land Tax Credit program. Feel free to augment it with the additional information in the fact sheet or a story about a landowner you worked with who has been able to take advantage of, or is on the wait list for, the tax credit.

Dear Senator ________:

As part of [land conservation organization] in your district, I am contacting you to respectfully request that you co-sponsor and support Amendment #1 to the Senate budget for the Conservation Land Tax Credit (CLTC) program, filed by Senator Bruce Tarr. The amendment would increase the program’s annual cap from $2 million to $5 million over three years to eliminate the backlog of this successful program and to enable our organization to collaborate with private landowners to conserve land for farming, forestry, wildlife, and clean water. The CLTC is also a critical tool for meeting the Commonwealth’s climate goals, as conserving our natural and working lands ensures that they will continue to sequester and store carbon in perpetuity.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Your Name and Org/Group
[Give your home address or org address, whichever is in their district]