eNews The Newsletter of the Massachusetts Land Conservation Community |
| January 21 2025, Volume 23, Number 1 |
View of property from East Taylor Hill Road 47 Acres Preserved in Montague, MA
Mount Grace and the Franklin County Community Land Trust (FCCLT) have conserved the historic 47-acre Watroba property at Four Corners in Montague, located at the intersection of Old Sunderland and East Taylor Hill Roads. The property offers breathtaking views of Mount Toby and features wetlands, productive forestland, and 15 acres of prime farmland. Mount Grace holds the deed and is collaborating with FCCLT and local stakeholders to explore how additional community needs can be integrated into the conservation of this open space. Proposed uses of the land include recreational trails and community-focused farming infrastructure. Learn more.
If you are an MLTC Member and would like to see your completed conservation project featured in our next eNews, contact Lauren Berk at lberk@massland.org.
I enjoyed a cold morning walk to the overlook at Dracut Land Trust's Ogonowski Memorial Field, named in honor of John Ogonowski, Dracut farmer, pilot and founding member of Dracut Land Trust, whose life was tragically cut short on 9/11/2001.
#OurMassLandTrusts |
Seminars Presented by Our Sponsors March 4 - March 18
These one-hour, online seminars by some of our lead conference sponsors are open to everyone, even if you’re not attending the Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference on Friday, March 21.
Beyond the “Illusion of Preservation” MassWoods | Tuesday March 4, 12:00 - 1:00 pm | Register. Freshwater Resilience: Adding Rivers and Streams into your Land Conservation
TNC in Massachusetts | Tuesday March 11, 12:00 - 1:00 pm | Register.
Discussion of Mass Audubon’s 30x30 Catalyst Fund with Current and Potential Partners | Mass Audubon | Wednesday March 12, 12:00 - 1:00 pm | Register. Developing Biodiversity Conservation Goals for the Commonwealth
EOEEA | Tuesday March 18, 12:00 - 1:00 pm | Register.
Register for the 2025 Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference! Early bird registration deadline: Friday February 28, 11:59 pm
Friday March 21, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, in-person at UMass Amherst
The annual Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference draws nearly 500 attendees, including staff and volunteers from over 100 of the land trusts in the state, along with key partners from state, federal, and local government. The conference agenda features a keynote by Congressman Jim McGovern and 23 workshops, covering a diverse range of land conservation topics such as farmland protection, land protection negotiating strategies, and alternatives to conservation restrictions that may be worth considering in certain situations. It's a great opportunity for participants from all levels of experience, from students to seasoned professionals, to learn together and develop new connections. Conference portal. Schedule. Workshop descriptions. Register. Speakers, Sponsors, and Volunteers – MLTC staff will contact you with details on how to register.
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers who contribute more than one hour of their time on Friday March 21 will receive free admission to the conference. Volunteer duties include assisting at the registration/info desk and ensuring workshops run smoothly. Sign-up sheet. If you cannot access the Google doc, please contact admin@massland.org.
Become a Sponsor
Sponsoring the Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference offers several benefits, including the opportunity to promote your work to an audience of nearly 500 conservation professionals. View details. Become a Exhibitor
Exhibitor space is limited. Conference sponsors will receive priority placement, with remaining spaces allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve a table. Conference Lodging
Last day for discounted Hotel UMass reservations is Wednesday February 19 for the night of Thursday March 20. Purchase lodging.
International Conservation and New England: Presentation and Networking Session Wednesday January 29, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, via Zoom and in-person, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 113 Brattle Street, Cambridge MA
Only register if attending through Zoom
Join the Early Conservation Career Network to hear from ILCN Director Jim Levitt, who will present on the role of international communities of conservation, share insights into the work of the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN), and explore examples of cross-boundary conservation in New England and Canada. The talk will be followed by an informal networking session from 12:00 - 1:00 pm (bring your own lunch). Learn more. Register for Zoom.
Land Protection Staff Topical Networking Zoom Wednesday January 29, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
The focus for the second meeting of this popular Land Protection networking group will be how organizations onboard and train new land conservation staff. This call is a forum for staff and Board members of land conservation organizations to learn from each other. Conversation is fluid, so other topics of mutual interest may also be discussed. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series. This call will not be recorded. Register.
Quarterly Zoom for All-Volunteer Land Trusts (AVLTs) Thursday February 20, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
The focus topic of this call will be "Stewardship Management & Recordkeeping Tools". Share your experiences and/or bring questions for your AVLT colleagues. Last quarter's call on Databases was especially engaging, so join us this month for another "tech" talk. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking program. This call will not be recorded. Register.
Tax Benefits for Land Protection: A Primer for Land Trusts Thursday February 27, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, via Zoom
Land protection staff need a good working knowledge of the various potential tax benefits associated with various types of land transactions. We can’t give legal or tax advice, but can introduce landowners to these concepts and potential strategies. Most landowners want to preserve their property because they love it…but tax breaks are a great incentive to get them to follow through. This session will review potential tax savings at the local, state and federal levels, and provide an interactive tax worksheet as a takeaway for attendees to use on their own. Q. If you are a low income landowner with a high value property, what is the best way to donate it and maximize tax benefits? If you know how these tax benefits all work together, you will know the right answer. The workshop will be led by Rob Warren and Mark Robinson who have more than 80 years in combined experience working with hundreds of landowners. Register.
March 2025 Conservation Partners Meeting Friday March 7, 10:00 am - 12:15 pm, via Zoom
Land trust staff and board members as well as conservation partners are welcome to this quarterly meeting, featuring relevant news from state agencies, a timely update on state and federal policy matters, announcements, and a featured topic. Convened by MLTC's Partner Engagement Committee: Kathy Orlando, Chair, Olivia Lukacic, Vice-Chair. Learn more. Register.
The Big Night Amphibian Migration: Talk & Networking
Thursday March 20, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, in-person at Hitchcock Center for The Environment, 845 West St., Amherst MA
Join the Early Conservation Career Network for an evening of learning and networking before the annual Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference. Jeff Mazur, Environmental Educator for the Hitchcock Center for the Environment, will discuss Big Night amphibian migration and the natural history of the yellow-spotted salamander. Afterward, enjoy a short trail walk before gathering at Treehouse Brewing Company (optional, 6:00 - 7:30 pm) to socialize, dine, and enjoy beverages. Learn more and register.
Nominations Open for MLTC’s Board and Committees
Are you interested in being a volunteer leader working to advance land conservation across Massachusetts? MLTC is seeking nominations for volunteers to serve on its Board of Trustees, or as non-governing members of its Public Policy, Finance, Development, or Governance Committees. We’re looking for folks with time and energy to help advance MLTC’s Strategic Plan. Board members are elected to 3-year terms at MLTC’s annual meeting each June. Committee members can join at any point during the year, and are asked to make a minimum of a one-year commitment. If you are interested in nominating yourself or others, please reach out to Robb Johnson at robb@massland.org.
Help Us Help You
If you enjoy our programs or benefit from our online resources, please consider making a gift to support our efforts for the coming year. Thank you! |
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Thank you to our generous Conference Sponsors! Platinum |
Share your input on Forest Reserves
The Healey-Driscoll Administration has identified the ambitious goal of designating 300,000 acres of forest reserves across Massachusetts by 2030. In support of this goal, EEA is seeking to understand how non-profit, municipal and private forest owners manage their lands, and learn more about how they might support forest owners seeking to implement passive management strategies. To provide input and help EEA understand more about your forested lands please take the Survey.
Public Hearings on Proposed Deer & Bear Hunting Season Changes
Virtual public hearings will be held in January to gather feedback on proposed changes related to deer and bear hunting seasons. -
Deer: Proposed changes include creation of a primitive firearms season in January on Martha's Vineyard, Elizabeth Island, and Nantucket; removal of the daily antlerless bag limit; clarifying that food plots are legal; allowing decoys during the archery season; authorizing the Youth Deer Permit to be used in any season; allowing shed hunting; and new rules to prevent the spread of CWD. Learn more.
- Bear: Proposed changes include the creation of a new Youth Bear Permit and replacing the current three bear hunting seasons with one continuous, extended season. Learn more.
Our Policy Priorities for 2025
The Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition’s Policy Committee met recently to set our advocacy priorities for the coming year. You can read more about them on the Advocacy page of our website, which will be updated as the year progresses. |
MassWildlife Conserves 2,500 Acres of Habitat in 2024
In FY24 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and MassWildlife’s land acquisition teams successfully completed 26 projects, protecting nearly 2,500 acres of forests, grasslands, waterfronts, and inland water access points. This brings the total area managed by MassWildlife to more than 237,000 acres. Learn more.
Land Trust Alliance Names New CEO
Ashley Demosthenes has been named Chief Executive Officer of the Land Trust Alliance. She will assume the role on March 17, 2025. Ashley is currently completing nearly 10 years as President and CEO of the Lowcountry Land Trust in South Carolina, where she was co-founder and board chair of the South Carolina Land Trust Network, MLTC’s counterpart in that state. Her prior experience includes 15 years at The Nature Conservancy. Welcome Ashley!
Farm Business Planning Course Tuesdays January 21 - March 4, 6:00 - 8:30 pm
This beginner-friendly eight-week course is hosted by Tufts University in partnership with USDA and Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation. Participants will be guided on how to develop a written farm business plan that covers all the essential elements—from setting a vision and budget to crafting a marketing strategy and growth timeline. The course will also cover topics such as USDA resources and programs, operations and risk management, land access, and more. Learn more and register. Email Ben Zoba at benjamin.zoba@tufts.edu with questions.
Conservation in Action Certificate Program Tuesdays January 21- April 8, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Mass Audubon has introduced a new Conservation in Action Certificate Program, which offers insights into local land protection and habitat restoration initiatives. Participants will explore conservation challenges and learn effective strategies for advancing conservation policy. Learn more and register. Expert Tips on Current Trends: Nonprofit Tech Round Table Wednesday January 22, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Join experts from Community IT for a discussion of all things nonprofit tech for 2025. This presentation is appropriate for an audience of varied IT experience. Community IT is proudly vendor-agnostic and their webinars are never a sales pitch. Learn more and register. Advanced Risk Management: Land Division Legal Challenges Thursday January 23, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
This talk is part of the Land Trust Alliance and Terrafirma's annual risk management webinar series. In this session, Mike Okma, manager of easement stewardship at the accredited Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy, and Sarah Sheeran, stewardship director at the accredited Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy, will share strategies for addressing and resolving easement violations. Learn more and register.
NEW! Adaptation Planning and Practices
Mondays, January 27 - March 17, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) and USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub are hosting a free, eight-week online training on adaptation planning for forest and natural resource managers, land owners, and stewards. This interactive training will focus on the impacts of climate change and train participants in identifying adaptation strategies for ecosystems (both rural and urban), habitats, resource areas, and cultural perspectives. Learn more and register.
International Conservation and New England: Presentation and Networking Session Wednesday January 29, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, hybrid See details under MLTC News, above.
NEW! Dam Busters 201: Monthly Lunchtime Webinar Series
Wednesdays, (January 29, February 5, June 4, September 10, October 1), 12:00 - 1:00 pm Sponsored by DER, Massachusetts Rivers Alliance, and CRWA, each webinar focuses on a dam removal topic, features an expert, and offers time for questions and discussion. This series will build on the topics covered in Dam Busters 101 and introduce new subject matter. The goal is to give municipal and non-profit dam removal project managers the knowledge they need to successfully manage and carry out a dam removal project. Attend one or all. Register.
Land Protection Staff Topical Networking Zoom Wednesday January 29, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
See details under MLTC News, above. NEW! Access Versus Accessibility
Thursday January 30, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Hosted by American Trails, this webinar will explore the distinctions between access and accessibility for trail users. The session will cover case studies that demonstrate how to enhance trail access and accessibility through the lens of DEIAB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging), covering key areas such as Information, Language, Experience/Environment, and Authenticity. Learn more. Register.
NEW! MassDEP Watershed Planning Program
Wednesday February 5, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), through its Nonpoint Source (NPS) Management Section, will provide an overview of the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 604(b) Water Quality Management Planning Grant and the CWA Section 319 NPS Implementation Grant. Email Judy Rondeau at judith.rondeau@mass.gov with questions. Registration forthcoming.
NEW! Together on the Trail: Birdability and Accessible Birding
Thursday February 6, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Hosted by American Trails, this webinar will discuss the Birdability Map, a crowd-sourced map that is a partnership between Birdability and the National Audubon Society, that details access features at more than 1,700 trails and birding sites across the United States (and in 15 other countries). Learn more. Register.
NEW! Spotted Lanternfly Quarterly Update
Wednesday February 12, 10:00 - 11:15 am
The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is hosting the Winter session of its Spotted Lanternfly Quarterly Update, which will feature a presentation by Dr. Joseph Keller on the effectiveness of potential treatments for spotted lanternflies, including the native fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana. Learn more. Register.
NEW! Increasing Physical Activity Through the Use of Trails and Greenways
Thursday February 13, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Hosted by American Trails, this webinar will explore the key aspects of the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. It will also highlight resources designed to help professionals promote physical activity on trails and greenways. Learn more. Register.
NEW! Managing Forests as Habitat in a Changing World
Tuesday February 18, 12:00 - 1:30 pm (next session), and third Tuesdays of following months
The U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners are hosting a monthly webinar series throughout 2025 on Managing Forests. This series will examine the effects of a changing world on forest ecosystems and explore adaptation strategies for natural resource management. Panelists will share insights on projects, challenges and solutions, lessons learned, and future steps. Learn more. Register.
Quarterly Zoom for All-Volunteer Land Trusts (AVLTs) Thursday February 20, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
See details under MLTC News, above. Tax Benefits for Land Protection: A Primer for Land Trusts
Thursday February 27, 4:00 - 5:00 pm See details under MLTC News, above.
NEW! Statewide Local Working Group Meeting Tuesday April 15, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
registration link forthcoming
This meeting provides a platform to actively shape the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service programs and funding allocations, while simultaneously forging collaborations with fellow agricultural producers and conservation advocates. Email Mariana Lachiusa at Mariana.LachiusaMACD@gmail.com for more information.
In-Person Events and Outings |
Basic Chainsaw Skills for Trails
Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wildlands Stewardship Training Center, Plymouth MA
This training, hosted by Wildlands Trust, will cover essential chainsaw safety, operation, and equipment maintenance. Participants will acquire foundational skills for managing tree-related challenges on trails. Day one will focus on Game of Logging Level 1, while day two will emphasize techniques for storm damage cleanup. Learn more and register.
NEW! Farm Succession School
Wednesdays, (January 27, February 24, March 17), 9:30 am - 3:30 pm, Taunton Public Library, 12 Pleasant Street, Taunton MA
Land For Good is hosting a three day intensive course for Farmers that want to start the farm transfer and succession process, and either have an identified successor or who are looking for one. Learn more. Register.
International Conservation and New England: Presentation and Networking Session Wednesday January 29, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, hybrid See details under MLTC News, above. NEW! Southeastern Massachusetts Land Trust Convocation
Saturday February 1, 8:15 am - 12:15 pm, Upper Cape Technical High School, 220 Sandwich Rd, Bourne MA
The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc. and the Buzzards Bay Coalition are hosting an event on protecting land and operating a land trust. Dr. Chris Neill, Senior Scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, will discuss plant diversity assessments, wetland restoration successes in cranberry bogs, and ongoing challenges in managing biodiversity-rich habitats. Learn more. Register. Wilderness First Aid and CPR Saturday February 8 and Sunday February 9, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wildlands Stewardship Training Center, Plymouth MA
Wildlands Trust is hosting SOLO School for a 2-day Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and CPR course. The WFA course focuses on the basic skills of: Response and Assessment, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Environmental Emergencies, Survival Skills, Soft Tissue Injuries, and Medical Emergencies. Participants who complete the course will receive a SOLO WFA and CPR certification, which is good for two years. Learn more and register.
MACC 2025 Annual Environmental Conference Saturday March 1, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA
Join nearly 800 conservation commissioners and agents, environmental officials, consultants, attorneys, students, activists, and others at the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission’s Annual Environmental Conference (AEC). Learn more. Register.
The Big Night Amphibian Migration: Talk & Networking
Thursday March 20, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, in-person at Hitchcock Center for The Environment, 845 West St., Amherst MA See details under MLTC News, above.
2025 Massachusetts Land Conservation Conference Friday March 21, in-person at UMass Amherst, Amherst MA See details under MLTC News, above. Save The Date: Mass ECAN Conference Thursday May 1, time TBD, Clark University, Worcester MA
The theme for the 2025 Massachusetts Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network (Mass ECAN) Conference is Mainstreaming Nature-Based Solutions. Save the date. |
For more information on the following grants and more, please visit our Grants Database.
NEW! North Atlantic Transboundary Landscape Cohort
Info sessions: Monday January 24, 9:00 - 10:00 am. Register.
Friday February 7, 9:00 - 10:00 am. Register.
Application deadline: Friday February 21
Each year the Peregrine Accelerator provides seed funding and tailored training to a handful of innovative conservation projects in important transboundary landscapes in North America. In 2025, the program will support eight project teams from across North Atlantic Canada and the United States. Funding will be awarded to individual or multi-organizational teams for projects focusing on biodiversity, climate resilience, and community well-being in the region. Email Catie Boehmer at catie.boehmer@colostate.edu and Shoshanna Dean shoshanna.dean@colostate.edu with questions. Learn more. Apply.
Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (MPPF)
Info session (registration not required): Monday January 27, 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Link. Application deadline: Friday March 14
The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) is offering funding to municipalities and nonprofits to support the preservation of properties, landscapes, and sites listed in the State Register of Historic Places. Eligible projects include feasibility studies, historical structure reporting, construction and restoration activities, and acquisition projects. This is a 50% reimbursable matching grant program. Applicants must be able to document a 75% share of the project cost in order to cover temporary cash flow. Learn more and apply.
Landscape Partnership Grants Info session: Tuesday January 28, 2:00 pm
Application deadline: Thursday April 3, 3:00 pm
These grants support efforts to protect large areas of conservation land. Maximum grant award is $1.25 million. Awarded applicants must document the use of funds, or contributions from other sources comprising at least 50% of total project cost. Local, state and federal government agencies, and non-profit groups can use this grant to work together to protect properties that meet the minimum acreage required based on county. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the info session. Learn more and apply. Email Vanessa Farny at vanessa.farny@mass.gov to register for the info session.
NEW! Trails Capacity Grant
Application deadline: Friday January 31, 11:59 pm PST
American Trails and the Bronco Wild Fund are awarding grants between $2,000 to $10,000 towards projects that enhance multi-use trail opportunities and expand trail networks. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, businesses, and state or local agencies. Learn more and apply. MassTrails Grant Application deadline: Monday February 3
MassTrails provides grants to support recreational trail and shared-use pathway projects across the Commonwealth. The award maximum depends on the project type and needs and is generally $100,000 for recreational trails projects and up to $500,000 for shared-use path projects demonstrating critical network connections of regional or statewide significance. Eligible grant activities include project development, design, engineering, permitting, construction, and maintenance of recreational trails, shared-use pathways, and the amenities that support trails. Learn more and apply.
Resilient and Connected Appalachians Grants Application deadline: Friday February 7
The Nature Conservancy is accepting applications for the FY25 Resilient and Connected Appalachians Grant Program (RCAGP). This program offers funding opportunities to nonprofit organizations, municipalities, federally recognized Tribes, and other partners based in the Appalachian region, with a focus on protecting and conserving this area. Learn more and apply.
Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants Application deadline: Monday February 10, 11:59 pm
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries is providing up to $75 million in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support projects that reopen migratory pathways and restore access to healthy habitat for fish around the country. Selected projects will assist in sustaining our nation’s fisheries and contributing to the recovery of threatened and endangered species. They may also provide community and economic benefits, such as jobs and climate resilience. Learn more and apply.
NEW! Environmental Justice for New England Grants
Application deadline: Friday February 14, 5:00 pm
Environmental Justice for New England is awarding a total of $48 million to New England community-based organizations, environmental justice organizations, nonprofits, Tribal governments (both federally and state recognized), and other entities. The funds will support projects that address local environmental and public health challenges. Learn more and apply.
Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants Application deadline: Thursday February 27, 11:59 pm
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries is providing up to $20 million in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support fish passage projects and tribal capacity building. This funding will support U.S. federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and tribal organizations. Selected projects may also provide community and economic benefits, such as enhancing climate resilience by removing or improving aging infrastructure. Learn more and apply.
NEW! 2025 Biodiversity Conservation Grant
LOI deadline: Saturday March 1 Application deadline: Thursday May 1
The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) has announced $200,000 in grant funding to support pollinator habitat enhancement projects on America’s Public Lands. Habitat enhancement projects should directly support the creation, restoration, remediation, improvement, and/or protection of habitats for important pollinator species. Learn more and apply.
Cornell Land Trust Small Grants Application deadline: Saturday March 1, 11:59 pm
The Cornell Lab's Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative supports and amplifies bird conservation and land stewardship on private lands through its annual grant program. Approximately $260,000 total funding will be available to support up to 14 projects. Grant awards will range from $10,000 to $25,000. Email Sara Barker at sb65@cornell.edu with questions. Learn more and apply.
Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant Program Application deadline: Friday March 7, 3:00 pm
These grants provide financial assistance for the purchase of land in existing Mass. Department of Environmental Protection approved drinking water supply protection areas, or land in estimated protection areas of identified and planned future water supply wells or reservoirs. Grants of up to $350,000 are available this grant round. Learn more and apply.
NEW! Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants
Application deadline: Monday March 10, 11:59 pm
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is awarding $2.5 million in Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (UAIP) grants to support community gardens and nonprofit farms. This funding will enhance food production and access in underserved communities, while also creating opportunities for job training and education. Additionally, the grants will assist partners in developing business plans and zoning proposals to foster long-term sustainability. Learn more. Apply.
NEW! Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program
Application deadline: Thursday March 13
The Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program conserves agricultural land by compensating landowners for the difference between its "fair market value" and "agricultural value." In exchange, landowners agree to a permanent deed restriction preventing uses that harm its agricultural potential. Eligibility requires at least five acres of land with suitable soils in agricultural production for the last two years. Learn more. Apply.
Land Conservation Assistance Program Application deadline: Friday April 11
This new state grant program offers funding to assist with completing land protection projects, including preparing grant applications, completing land transaction tasks, developing or updating a municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan, or planning for the development or renovation of a park. Learn more and apply.
Farm-Pass: Farm Transfer Planning Assistance Program Application deadline: Tuesday April 15 Note: Please do not apply through CommBuys, but click “file attachments” to get the application. Completed applications must be mailed to MDAR.
MDAR’s new Farm-Pass program will provide direct assistance to help Massachusetts farm owners pass their farm on to the next generation. This service is targeted to owners who have already identified a successor – either within the family or not – who is interested in owning and managing a commercial farm business on the farm property in the near future. This is a year-long, no-cost opportunity for farm owners, family members, and the identified successor to work one-on-one with an experienced, dedicated planner to create a customized farm transfer plan. Learn more and apply. Email Melissa Adams at Melissa.L.Adams@mass.gov or Laura Barley at Laura.Barley@mass.gov with questions.
NEW! Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants
Application deadline: Wednesday April 16
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is offering up to $100 million in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support projects aimed at recovering threatened and endangered species, as well as protecting coastal communities and ecosystems from the effects of climate change. Learn more and apply.
NEW! Agricultural Conservation Easement Grants
Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications year-round for ACEP Agricultural Land Easements (ACEP-ALE) and Wetland Reserve Easements (ACEP-WRE). The current ACEP priorities for Inflation Reduction Act funding remain unchanged from the previous fiscal year and are available in all states. Depending on the location, NRCS may also have state-specific priorities. This funding is in addition to the resources available through the Farm Bill. For more information, email Jasper Cowley at Jasper.Cowley@usda.gov. Learn more and apply.
Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area Partnership Grants Applications accepted on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted
This program serves as a catalyst for new, creative programs and projects within 45 communities of the Heritage Area. Reimbursable matching grants are offered in support of the goals and objectives outlined in the Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area Management Plan, summarized as: Inclusive Storytelling; Education, Interpretation & Curation; Community Planning & Resource Conservation; Historic Preservation; and Regional Cultural Events. Funding ranges from $1,000 to $7,500. Discussion of your proposal with a grant specialist before applying is highly recommended. Learn more here and here.
The Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund
Applications accepted on a rolling basis; an inquiry must be submitted 60 days prior to submitting full proposal
The Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund is a matching grant program administered by the National Office of Trout Unlimited (TU) along with the Land Conservancy Work Group. It provides grants for land protection projects that result in conservation easements or land trust or agency acquisition of important properties that protect salmon habitat. Funds will be awarded to TU Chapters and Councils in partnership with land trusts and conservation agencies. Applicants should contact the Land Conservancy Fund committee at landconservancy@tu.org 60 days prior to submitting an application. Learn more.
Solar Moonshot Program
This program helps non-profits afford the switch to clean energy. Grant priority is given to solar projects that have additional funding sources and community support. Grants are typically awarded up to $25,000, with amounts dependent on various factors. The program is managed by Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation, and grants are funded by generous philanthropists and foundations. Contact solarmoonshot@hcs.foundation with any questions. Learn more and apply.
List of Federal Funding Opportunities
Compiled by Land Trust Alliance (LTA), this list of current federal conservation program funding opportunities for land trusts is organized by deadline date. For a complete list of funding, visit grants.gov.
Resources and Opportunities |
NEW! Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program
Info session: Friday January 24, 11:00 am, Link. Application deadline: Saturday March 1
The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (NPS-RTCA) provides technical assistance to locally-led conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the United States. Eligible applicants include community groups, nonprofits, tribal governments, national parks, and local, state, and federal agencies. Learn more. Apply.
NEW! Conservation for All
In the latest edition of From The Ground Up, Karen Grey, president of the Wildlands Trust, reflects on her journey to becoming a leading advocate for environmental justice and land conservation in Brockton and across southeastern Massachusetts. Read the interview. NEW! Xerces is Seeking Land Trust Partners
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is looking to partner with a few Massachusetts land trusts to identify suitable sites to implement firefly-friendly management practices. Explore the Xerces Society’s Guide to Establishing Firefly Sanctuaries, which offers information, resources, and case studies to help inspire the establishment of additional sanctuaries across the United States. If you’re interested in partnering with Xerces to help spark this Firefly Sanctuary movement, please email Candace Fallon at candace.fallon@xerces.org.
NEW! Forest Carbon Data Visualization Tool
The National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) has updated and expanded its Forest Carbon Data Visualization tool. In a Story Map-like format, the tool explores forest carbon sequestration and storage, and the part played by different forest ownership types, forest ages, and more. Explore the data. NEW! Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List: Scotch Broom
On January 1, 2025, the sale of Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) was prohibited in Massachusetts. The phase-out period, which allowed growers to sell off existing stock, concluded on December 31, 2024. Learn more. UConn’s Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Center
The University of Connecticut is accepting requests for technical assistance to address local environmental justice challenges. In Massachusetts, they will partner with the University of Massachusetts Boston’s Institute for New England Native American Studies and Groundwork USA in Lawrence. UConn will assist eligible entities to identify funding resources and submit funding proposals, write and manage grants, and plan for grant and project implementation. Services can be requested through their website. Learn more.
UAP’s Winter 2024-2025 Program Schedule
The Department of Conservation and Recreation's Universal Access Program provides outdoor recreation opportunities in Massachusetts state parks for visitors of all abilities. The winter season runs through March. View schedule. |
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