Picone Farm

Picone Farm. Photograph by Jerry Monkman of EcoPhotography, courtesy of Wildlands Trust.

Strengthening Land Trusts. Advancing Land Conservation.

MLTC's Loring Schwarz, HCT's Kelly Grant, MLTC's Robb Johnson

MLTC's CAC chair Loring Schwarz, Harwich Conservation Trust's Kelly Grant, MLTC's Executive Director Robb Johnson

Inaugural Excellence in Conservation Award Presented to Harwich Conservation Trust

This award recognizes the Harwich Conservation Trust’s Cold Brook Eco-Restoration Project at the Robert F. Smith Cold Brook Preserve in Harwich Port. This multiyear restoration project was undertaken in partnership with the Town of Harwich Community Preservation Committee, the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The project successfully restored retired cranberry bogs to improve public access to the land and enhance nearly a mile of stream and over 44 acres of adjacent wetland habitat. The restoration included the addition of ponds, a salt marsh, and native plant species. 

Learn more from the press release and on Harwich Conservation Trust's website.


  • Apr8


    Best Practices for Working with Appraisers: A Panel Discussion

    via Zoom

    This session on best practices for working with appraisers in land conservation is designed for land trust staff and board members involved in land protection. It will feature insights from experienced land protection practitioners, Land Trust Alliance staff, and seasoned appraisers on how to develop effective relationships with appraisers and improve conservation outcomes. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. Co-hosted by the Land Trust Alliance, Connecticut Land Conservation Council, and the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition. 

  • Apr29


    Networking for Executive Directors of Large Regional Land Trusts

    via Zoom

    Conversation on these calls is driven by current issues and concerns of those participating so this is a great place to bring questions for your peers. Part of MLTC's Stronger Together networking series for land trust staff and Board members. This call will not be recorded. Contact Robb Johnson (robb@massland.org) for more information.

  • May16


    Field Trip: Cuttyhunk Conservation Land Stewardship

    in-person on Cuttyhunk

    Between 2018-2022, the Buzzards Bay Coalition led an effort that brought together federal, state and local agencies and hundreds of individual donors to raise $6.2 million to purchase 68-acres of rare island habitats to prevent resort development and ensure that the island would be open for public access. That bold action then inspired a private landowner gift of a 230-acre conservation restriction, leading to an island today that is nearly 70% conserved. On this trip, we will cruise across the Bay to enjoy a hiking tour of the island’s trails and vistas and learn about the Coalition’s active grassland and shorebird management projects. Attendees will gather at the ferry at 8:30, travel together to and from the island, returning at 4 p.m. Parking & ferry fee are the responsibility of each attendee.


  • February 11, 2025

    Updated: Reports of Conference Attendee Lists Being Offered for Sale

    MLTC staff and a number of our contacts have recently received emails from multiple senders, offering to sell a list of Visitors/Attendees to the March 21 Mass. Land Conservation Conference being held at UMass Amherst. After consulting with the security departments of our CRM, events platform, and our computer consultant, we are confident that our systems have not been hacked, nor has information been leaked.

    Click the title of this summary for more information.